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Athletic Hall of Fame & Honor

The North Thurston High School Athletic Hall of Fame and Honor was established on April 16th, 1988. The selection committee for the initial induction ceremony included Jim Fouts, Jim Koval, Dennis McDonald, Kay Thomas, and Tomina Schwenke (Class of '88). Following the initial group, several other individuals were inducted in the late 1980s/early 1990s. Over the ensuing years, inductions ceased and activity stagnated until 2015 when a group of concerned Hall of Fame members, alumni, and school officials resurrected this great tradition to coincide with the ongoing remodel/update of North Thurston High School and poised to serve as an inspiration and model for current and future Rams in the years and decades ahead.

All of the plaques featured in the Honored Athletes & Staff list are now mounted in our NTHS Gym foyer. Stop by one of our school events and check out the progress!

Recent inductees honored:

  • The 2002 State Champion Baseball Team
  • Jak Ayers, Swim Coach (Hall of Honor)
  • Mary (Gray) Thomas (Class of 1985)
  • Shannon (Kelly) Bergquist (Class of 1986)
  • Tracy McKenzie (Class of 1988)
  • Sandra Holmes (Class of 1992)
  • Gary Holmes (Class of 1994)
  • John Taylor (Class of 1993)

If you'd like to get involved or receive more information, please contact Stephen Coker, NTHS Athletic Director, at


Frank Bower Hall of Honor
  • NTHS 1954–72
  • School's First Principal
  • Football & Basketball Coach
  • Won League Championship with 1939 YHS Football Team
  • Won Pierce County "B" League Basketball Championship

Nomination Form

Return nomination forms to NTHS Athletic Director Stephen Coker, at


Donate to the NTHS Boosters and specify "Athletic Hall of Fame" on your donation to ensure the continued support and maintenance of the NTHS Athletic Hall of Fame! Thank you!