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Absence Reporting

Will your student be absent? Tell us!

  • Skyward Family Access (instructions on this page)
  • A handwritten note (turned in or faxed)
  • Call the attendance office
  • Email from a guardian


Attendance Office Professional
Lisa Niles

Absences will be recorded as excused only if appropriate documentation is received. Students are expected to attend all classes each day. A student returning to school after an absence reports directly to class and is expected to make up all missed work.

Attendance Matters at NTPS

Absence Reporting in Family Access

  1. Log into Family Access. Contact your school office if you do not know your username and/or password.
  2. If you have multiple students, click on the student you wish to report the absence at the top of the screen (the drop-down at the top if you're using the mobile app).
  3. Click on the Attendance tile.
    Skyward dashboard attendance tile
  4. Make sure you're on the Absence Requests (tabs are in the middle of the screen), click Add Absence Request at the very right, choose the appropriate reason, adding notes, and copying the request to multiple students, if needed.
  5. A message will be sent to your office with the information and will be pending until it has been processed.

Watch this video to see it in action!