About North Thurston
Welcome to North Thurston High School!
We opened in 1955 and are a comprehensive high school serving grades 9–12 in Olympia and Lacey, Washington. Our award-winning staff and programs provide unique opportunities for students. Go Rams!
Grades Served
Opened in 1955.
School Data
For enrollment, demographics, student performance, and other numbers, see our Washington State Report Card.
Survey Results
Learn what our community sees as North Thurston's greatest strengths and challenges as we plan for the future.
Community Partnerships
Thanks to our community partners, Country Financial Jared Deel and Olympia Physical Therapy.
North Thurston High School is a community of learners committed to individual excellence. We empower learners by fostering an environment that promotes intellectual and emotional growth. We believe in equity and unity while celebrating diversity. We are a safe and caring community where all strive to learn, grow, and achieve.
Goals & School Improvement Plan
Academic Gap Goals
- Increase the passing rates of grade 9 for quarter 1 (75.9%), semester 1 (77%), and quarter 3 (72.5%) by 5% from school year 2023-24 to 2024-25.
- Increase the passing rates of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander in grade 9 for quarter 1 (57.1%), semester 1 (75.0%), and quarter 3 (50.0%) by 10% from school year 2023-24 to 2024-25.
Behavior or Social-Emotional Learning Gap Goal
Increase percentage of grade 9 regular attenders for quarter 1 (53.8%), semester 1 (34.8%), and quarter 3 (39.4%) by 5% from school year 2023-24 and 2024-25.
School Improvement Plan
Get Involved
North Thurston values the strong support of our families, alumni, and community. Volunteer opportunities include mentoring, tutoring, participating in events and field trips, helping in the classroom, and more.